Universities in Bulgaria

30 септември, 2010 16:05 | English | Няма коментари

Universities in Bulgaria
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
General view. Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski is Bulgaria’s first university. Its faculties with a total of 94 subjects are in the fields of history, classical and modern philology, law, education, mathematics, medicine, journalism etc.
The educational institution, situated in Sofia, gives the students opportunities to study in different forms of education. For the students’ needs there are bachelor’s degree program, master’s degree program, Phd, Lifelong education as well as distance education.
Cooperation. The university works for the development of its foreign activities as part of its global strategy. As a result, Sofia University has reached agreements with more than 80 universities all over the world and it takes part in various international projects. After signing the new Erasmus Charter in 2007 and Bulgaria’s membership in the European Union the university will continue completing the improved European Lifelong Education program.
Foreign students. It offers different specialties and forms of study to foreign students from EU member countries as well as to non EU member countries with a diploma for completed secondary education. St. Kliment Ohridski provides language tuition for foreign students in its Faculty of Slavic Studies and the Department of Language Learning.
Campus. The university has a campus with about 6300 beds in Sofia’s Studentski grad district. Foreign students are allowed to live in the campus in accordance to intergovernmental agreements or regulations of the Council of Ministers. Students from EU member states, Switzerland or citizens of countries from the European Community will be given the right to live in the campus in accordance to regulations valid for the Bulgarian students, too.
Address: Sofia, 15 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd
Central office: 003952 9308 200
Fax: 003592 9460 255
Technical University of Sofia
General view. The Technical University of Sofia is an educational research and production complex offering highly qualified engineers, programmers and managers. Its main faculties are in the fields of automatics, electrical engineering, transport, applied mathematics. For the needs of its foreign students the university has established a Department of Foreign Languages and Applied and Linguistics. TU Sofia has a branch in the southern city of Plovdiv as well as colleges in the towns of Sliven, Sofia and Plovdiv.
Admission. All foreign applicants to the Technical University of Sofia must possess a secondary education diploma which enables them to study at higher education institutions in the country where they have completed their secondary education. The application documents needed are shown in the university’s website for foreign applicants.
Campus. Accommodation at students’ residential buildings is provided at a minimal fare. The campus provides about 7000 accommodations for students. Undergraduate and Ph.D. students who have both Bulgarian and foreign citizenship pay only 30% of the annual fee.
Cooperation: AIESEC, EAEEIE (European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering), JAPIT (Scientific Journal for Applications of Information Technology, Vienna, Austria), IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) etc.
Sofia, 8 Kliment Ohridski Blvd
Fax: 00359-2-868-32-15
Telephone Central: 00359-2-965-21-11
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo
General view. St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo is one of the major state institutions of higher education. It has the following faculties: Faculty of Modern Languages, Faculty of History and Law, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Fine Arts, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Philosophy, and Faculty of Orthodox Theology.
Language Resource Centers are of great importance for the foreign language instruction at the university. St. Cyril and St. Methodius University has English, French, Austrian, Japanese, Dutch, American, Greek, Arabic and German language and culture centers.
Admission: The International Center for Bulgarian Studies accepts participants with scholarships from bilateral programs for cultural and academic exchange. Foreign citizens are admitted to the university within the terms of international agreements, by scholarships granted by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science or against payment. Contact the Foreign Students Office or European Integration and Mobility Office.
Necessary forms: Application Form, Learning Agreement, and Transcript of Records.
Campus. Foreign students do not have to send documents to the campus administration. They will be given rooms in accordance to a list prepared by the university. The foreign students will have to present declarations on their student status.
Cooperation: St. Cyril and St. Methodius University has reached agreements on the Erasmus Program with 90 countries. Besides, in the frames of different programs it cooperates with universities in Poland, Romania, Ukraine, Greece, Serbia, Egypt, Republic of Moldova, France, Great Britain and many others in the fields of international relations, pedagogy, humanities etc. Currently, there are 52 bilateral agreements with 25 countries.
Address: 5300 Veliko Tarnovo
2 Teodosiy Tarnovski Str
Phone number: +359 62 618 333

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